Tuesday, March 24, 2020

3/24/2020 07:31:00 AM
I've been spending my quarantine time commenting on people criticizing other 'privilege' as they spoke their mind out through their limited perspective, limited within the confine of their socio-economic life. Such I couldn't blame as each of this strata has their own exclusive confines than only them and theirs alone could apprehend and enjoy unless, in smallest fraction, could compromise and let others experience it.

There is no wrong when someone would criticize someone as this is a clear manifestation of free society, however the question that lies beyond this act is whether it shed light on unknowns or that it shed a grey perspective and instill hatred between different socio-econimic strata. Unfortunately it appeared to be the latter instead of the former. 

The truth is that these supposed "criticizing" is a manifestation of our irrevocable drift as a society, there is no clear line in which we could agree as we cling on our own set of beliefs. The stubbornness and our righteousness can be traced all the way back to the First Republic in which, instead of uniting to fight our enemy, we lost the war just because we are busy stabbing each other in the name of power over other, our righteousness, and  we cling on such desire even though the world, the Republic, is crumbling down to its doom, our stubbornness. It is all about our own individual perspective, our own set of beliefs, that we recklessly instill to others as superior, uncompromising to reason and truth. In this case I do agree in the points of politically incorrect statement "We don't have the worst government, we have the worst citizen" after all government is mere a set of laws followed by the citizen, the citizen make it work, and the citizen put people in the critical position. A failed society is a failed state and I bet Communist and Socialist inclined individual would agree on such. 

The truth is, these tweets (#checkyourprivilege) came from the very people with privilege on their own, humbling themselves in silence or criticizing other whilst keeping their luxurious life of watching Netflix at home, without remorse or even a second thought of abstaining for the sake of sanity. The difference, as it seemed to be the pedestal of their righteousness, is the fact that they know the suffering and they are eager for a change. These are fights within a certain socio-economic strata who could afford an internet connection while keeping their food supply intact, the argument of the educated, the enlightened, and the one who is living above the lifestyle of majority. 

Each one of these educated, like myself, should ask themselves once if their privilege is like all other privilege they scorn against and if it so then why can't we rest it upon our shoulder and abstain from it as a manifestation that we are indeed scornful of such a thing. Maybe educated people simply hated ignorance and not the very idea of privilege they themselves enjoy.
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